(week of 2/11/13)
*Thanks to those that helped with or sent
in supplies for our Valentine’s Day party!
* Jump rope for Heart
* activities in music/gym/library
* how many days did they
get $1 for following the rules
*show and tell every Friday
* continue reading and recording titles on the February reading sheet-send back the last week of the month
* telling time to the half hour
* counting tens and ones (place value)
* identifying 3D shapes -cone/sphere/pyramid/cube/rectangular prism/cylinder
* math station activities
* graphing
* adding 3 numbers
* adding and subtracting numbers above 10
* timed addition and subtraction tests (50
problems in 5 minutes) -please help!
* measuring various classroom objects
Social Studies/ Science
* Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, Jefferson Monument, The White House,
The Statue of Liberty, Mt. Rushmore
* Presidents of the United States
* President’s Day
* dental health
* nutrition
Reading/ Spelling/ Writing
* reading centers daily
* sound of ea as in reach
* reading and spelling words with long
* words that end in s, ed or ing
* quotation marks
* writing in our journals
* Vowel Town sounds
* nouns are people, places, animals, and things
* adjectives describe nouns
* emphasizing ideas and conventions (spelling, capitals, punctuation) when writing
* writing neatly and using the lines
* including details in our written stories
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