Ask your child about . .
(week of 1/22/13)
I would be happy to accommodate your schedule if you would like to have your child's conference early. We could meet for about 15-20 minutes before or after school just about any day. This actually helps with a crowded schedule on Feb. 19 and 21. Just let me know. Thank you.
* January reading sheets due next week
* using laptops in the classroom
* activities in music/gym/library
* getting $1 for following the rules
* show and tell every Friday
* assembly Friday morning- 1/25/13
* telling time to the half hour
* 100th day of school activities
* counting tens and ones (place value)
* working on fluency (solving quickly facts within 10)
* math station activities
* counting pennies/nickels/dimes
* odd and even numbers
* making graphs
* given a two-digit number, find 10 more
and 10 less
* pattern block activities- use 2D shapes
rectangles, squares, trapezoids, triangles
*understanding the meaning of the equal sign
and determining if equations are true or false
ex. 6=6 (true), 7= 8-1 (true), 5+2=2+5 (true)
4+1=3+4 (false)
Social Studies/ Science
* being a bucket filler (character education)
* stories about pioneers
* Little House on the Prairie characters and
* Kansas state symbols
* facts about Kansas
* Kansas will be 152 years old on January 29
* inauguration of President Obama
* reading centers daily
* sound of aw as in saw
* reading and spelling number words
* writing in our journals
* emphasizing ideas and conventions (spelling, capitalization, ending punctuation) when writing
* writing neatly and using the lines
* including information in our written stories
* practicing sight words
* describe characters, setting, and major events in a story
* retell stories including key details
* reading with a voice that sounds like
real talking and with grade level fluency
* stamina reading
* reading informational text
* reading words with inflectional endings (s,ed,ing)
* capitalizing dates and names of people
* reading and understanding basic contractions ex. did not = didn’t
* reading and understanding compound words- ex. downtown
100th day of school and Kansas Day on Tuesday, Jan. 29, 2013!
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